Northern Ireland still facing water problems


UK  Today News: The population of Northern Ireland is still suffering without water. Some tens of thousands of people are under rage as the engineers are still repairing the leaking pipes cause by freezing conditions.

An emergency meeting will be held by the Stormont Executive later to look in to the crisis. Meanwhile pressure is building on the ministers to sack the authorities of Northern Ireland Water.

Several families have been without water since Christmas or even before. Sources have said that, it could take time till weekend, by the time all the leakages are found and repaired.

On Wednesday night lorries containing bottled water, were sent by Scotland. The meeting will discuss he possibility of more tankers to be supplied by Department of Environment, Farming and Rural Affairs. The public is outrages due to the delay coused by the NI Water.

Chief Executive Laurence McKenzie had admitted that there have been serious shortcomings in the strategy of the firm. The meeting will also discuss the fate of McKenzie.

Sources: Sky