Prices of electronic components set to rise in the UK following Japan disaster


UK Today News: After the disastrous earthquake and deadly tsunami in Japan, the prices of important technology components are likely to rise. The destruction caused in the past few days due to the natural disaster has adversely affected technology components manufacturers, besides causing a massive loss of life and property.

Photo Credit: Reuters

Several factories of electronic components and automobile manufacturers have shut down due to the damage done by the tsunami and earthquake. Destruction of important factors like power, roads and transport will automatically lead to a price rise.

iSupply, a research firm, has warned of the shortage of some of the important electronic components, the prices of which are likely to increase in the coming weeks. The supply of the electronic components will be affected due to the damage done to the actual manufacturing factories.

The components include LCD parts, dynamic random access memory, standard logic, LCD panels, NAND flash memory and many such parts. The factories of many of the leading manufacturing factories like, Texas Instruments, Toshiba and Canon were damaged in the disaster and are yet to calculate the loss caused to them.

This damages will affect market prices of Japanese commodities in the UK markets, Europe and across the globe. Currently, the number of Brits missing in Japan has yet to be revealed.