Kate Moss is Engaged to Jamie Hince


Kate Moss’ birthday could not be better. The model got the best gift any boyfriend can give a girl as a gift – an engagement ring as a birthday present!

The 36 year old supermodel was apparently in awe of the new present that her boyfriend Jamie Hince – from the UK band ” The Kills” – gave her in the Caribbean island Mustique on Saturday.


According to a source: “Kate was stunned, Jamie called her up and told her not to come home. He said he was flying out to Mustique. He had carefully picked a ring and chose her birthday to propose. It was the first time they had been alone together in quite a while and it was extremely emotional. Kate and Jamie are in a very good place, they already live together and this is the next step to settling down for good.”

The two have been dating since 2007 after her bad time with Pete Doherty. She has a seven-year-old daughter Lila from her previous relationship with Jefferson Hack.

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