Duran Duran begins Olympic concert at Hyde Park


British rock band Duran Duran along with the Stereophonics Paolo Nutini and Snow Patrol represented every nation while they started off a series of Olympic concerts with a gig in Hyde Park on July 27, 2012. For the Opening Ceremony concert celebration, a huge crowd turned up who were treated first with a set by Scot Paolo Nutini, who began the party atmosphere with the tracks like Pencil Full of Lead.

Then came Duran Duran who rocked the house with a set which included hits like ‘A View To Kill’, ‘The Reflex’ with added Red Arrows flypast bonus and Rio. The pop legend of the 80s also got the crowd singing along and dedicated their rendition of Ordinary World to ‘the whole world’ while the front man Simon LeBon added, “May we have a peaceful games.”

Welshmen the Stereophonics faced a tough time of following the live screening of Danny Boyle’s beautiful opening ceremony but still managed to entertain the crowd. Even the concert organisers were lucky to get a extension to the usual 10:30 pm curfew so as to allow Snow Patrol flying the flag for Northern Ireland and end the evening with the hit ‘Light Up’.