War downplayed by Obama, Romney in Campaigns


Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, in his foreign policy speech mentioned that President Barrack Obama’s abrupt withdrawal of troops from Iraq has eroded the costly gains made by them. Romney did not go on to elaborate what these costly gains were and did not get into details of the cost, steering clear of the issue.


The war in Iraq has cost the US over USD 3 trillion in loans and has left nearly 5000 servicemen dead, apart from the nearly half a million wounded or indisposed soldiers. Romney failed to elaborate on what he would have done differently as well, if faced with a similar situation.

Ever since Obama has ordered the withdrawal of troops from Iraq, the war torn nation has hardly made any major headlines in either of the candidates’ campaigns. Romney had last brought up the topic of Iraq was in April 2012, when he was the governor of Massachusetts. When a soldiers dead body was being returned, he used the event to speak of national unity.

Obama had earlier mentioned in reports that he has executed his foreign policy and has done all that he had promised to do in Iraq and other countries, including going after Al Qaeda and Bin Laden among others.