Cameron strikes defense deal in the UAE


British Prime Minister David Cameron has concluded a two-day visit to the United Arab Emirates, in which a defense partnership was agreed upon between the two countries. Part of the deal involves boosting Britain’s military presence in the Gulf state.

The countries released a joint statement saying that keeping in mind the security of the UAE and the broader Gulf region, the two powers are looking to work together to strengthen defense ties. The new deal involves collaboration on new technology as well as the establishment of an industrial defense partnership structured around Typhoon fighter jets.

Both the Britian and the UAE will be holding joint military exercises to help increase British presence in the Gulf country. However, no statement was made as to exactly what this might be. Cameron had talks with the UAE President Sheik Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahayan, which was aimed at boosting economic ties, and was to accompany senior Emirati officials at an UAE airbase in order to inspect RAF Typhoons.

According to a statement, the UAE are looking to retire their ageing French mirage jets and replace them with 60 Typhoon Eurofighters.

Cameron also spoke about human rights when he was in the Gulf, saying that he believed in the growth of democracy and human rights, but all countries have different histories and cultures. He went on to say that he would not be apologetic about going to the UAE to discuss defense deals as this would help keep British jobs secure.