Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package PS3 Released on May 4 2010


UK Today News: Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package PS3 Released on May 4 2010

Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package PS3 – Its what we have all been waiting for – the Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package PS3 will be revealed to the whole world today May 4 2010.


The Infinity Ward will release the Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package PS3 package, in addition to the Double XP Playlists. The package was launched for the XBox on the XBox Live network last month.

For people with computers, the PC version is already released as the Stimulus Package Map Pack.

The Stimulus Package has some new goodies, like multi player thriller maps and many new game modes. The new stimulus package is offering two new game modes – hardcore stimulus and stimulus.

The Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package PS3 packages are priced at around $14.99, but some reports claim that the whole package on the internet will cost anywhere between $16.99 to $18.99.

The Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package PS3 will also have some new maps, and the player will be able to choose 5 maps – two are old school COD4 maps named Crash and Overgrown and the other three are brand new maps called – Salvage,  Storm and Bailout.