Paris Hilton Arrested for Drug Possesion At The 2010 FIFA World Cup In South Africa


UK Today News: Paris Hilton Arrested for Drug Possesion At The 2010 FIFA World Cup In South Africa

Paris Hilton Arrested: Socialite Paris Hilton and former glamor model friend, Jennifer Rovero, were arrested for allegedly smoking and possessing drugs last night in South Africa.

Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton

Rovero was charged with 1,000 SA rand and 30 days of imprisonment after pleading guilty for possession of cannabis, whereas all charges against Hilton were dropped at a special World Cup court around midnight.

Spokeswoman Brigadier Miranda Mills said: “The case was considered in court and the charges against Ms Hilton were dropped. Her friend Jennifer Rovero pleaded guilty to possession of cannabis and was sentenced.”

According to a police source, “The stadium is a smoke-free zone but at the end of the match an officer noticed Ms Hilton appeared to be smoking. Upon closer examination it became obvious she was smoking weed. That’s when she was arrested.”

Another officer added, “She was found in possession of some dagga (marijuana). We don’t know how much.”

Paris Hilton after the court case blogged on Twitter, “Everything is fine guys. I had nothing to do with it.