Argentina Gay Marriage Law Passed Despite Opposition From Religious Groups


UK Today News: Argentina Gay Marriage Law Passed Despite Opposition From Religious Groups

Argentina Gay Marriage Law Passed: Argentina has legalized same sex marriages and becomes the first Latin American country to grant all the same legal rights to the gay and lesbian community that are enjoyed by couples of a different sex marriage.

Gay Argentina

After debating for more than 14 long hours, reports say that the 33 members from the judiciary voted in favour for the same sex marriage whereas, 27 opposed it and three withdrew from this. The Lower House’s and President Cristina Fernandez support will transform it into ‘law’, the moment it gets published in the official bulletin.

The opposition from the Roman Catholic Church and evangelical groups did not stop the bill of ‘same sex marriage’ from passing. But there are some bigger Roman Catholic countries in the world, where same sex marriage is legal. Netherlands, Belgium and Spain are the few examples of those countries.

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