UK All Set To Build The Worlds Biggest Windmills


UK Today News: UK All Set To Build The Worlds Biggest Windmills

The latest upcoming project by Arup is set to be building the world’s largest windmills off shore of UK.  British, American and Norwegian engineers have come together to build and construct a giant 10MW windmill, which will be placed offshore, and would be twice the size of any of the largest windmills available on earth.


The new design would be something that the engineering world has never seen before, since it will shaped in a spinning sycamore leaf, and will be so big that it will have to rotate on its own axis.

The length of the blades from one tip to another will be around 275 mts. The first of the giant machines is scheduled to be complete  by 2013-2014, which will be followed with two years of testing.

According to the experts, if these massive machines turn out to be a success, then each turbine will easily provide electricity to almost 5000 to 10000 homes.

An American firm says that these windmills would provide enough energy compared to 2 million barrels, in their entire lifetime of 25 years.