Smoking Scenes In Hollywood Movies Declining, Yet Tobacco Use Featured Often Claims Study


UK Today News: Smoking Scenes In Hollywood Movies Declining, Yet Tobacco Use Featured Often Claims Study

A new study in the U.S claims that the use of Tobacco in Hollywood movies has fallen down comparatively, but people involved in the study claim that too many movies still use Tobacco to attract the audience.

Penelope Cruz Smoking
Actress Penelope Cruz smoking in the movie ‘Vicky Cristina Barcelona’

The study was based on the blockbuster movies made in Hollywood during a span of two decades starting from 1991 to 2009. It included the number of times the use of tobacco was shown to influence the viewers.

The authority at the Centre for Disease Control said, “There’s a declining trend which is good to see. But we haven’t made nearly enough progress.”Stan Glantz, who is heading this study said, “The report showed Hollywood was “perfectly capable of making movies without as much smoking and people still come see them”.

Movies play a great deal in influencing the minds of young people, who tend to imitate what is projected in a film, and calling it a style statement. There has been a big debate on the extent to which tobacco should be used in movies, since movies tend to glamorize the habit of smoking and rarely focus on it’s consequences.