New Pill To Curb Absent-Mindedness Being Developed by British Doctors


UK Today News: New Pill To Curb Absent-Mindedness Being Developed by British Doctors

Researchers have found a new pill that enhances mental power. A group of British doctors say that the medicine is primarily meant for the patients of absent-mindedness and not for any other brain disease.

According to the researchers, the medicine still has four to five years to reach the markets, depending upon the human trials that will be taken in the next year. If successful, it will then be introduced in the pharmaceutical market. This whole procedure will take another five years. The drug has shown positive results on animals.

The research was led by Jonathan Seckl at Edinburgh University. He said, “A third of older people have what is euphemistically called mild cognitive impairment…. But it is a major risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease and it is also pretty frustrating if you can’t remember what you left the house to do or where you put your keys.”

There is a slight assumption attached to the drug, where critics say, that if the drug works on the ageing brain then it will not be of much help to young people during exams.