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UK Today News: Indian-Americans In New Jersey Get Apology From Time Magazine Regarding 'My Own Private India' By Joel Stein The sentiments of the Indian community especially in New Jersey were hurt deeply because of a column written offending the...
UK Today News: Chinese-US Born Geologist Convicted For Stealing And Selling Chinese Secrets Xue Feng: US born Chinese American named, Xue Feng, 44, was detained in China, when he convicted of selling the database of an oil company to a...
UK Today News: World Cup Sized Replica Made Of Cocaine Seized At Bogota Airport In Colombia In a shocking incident, the Colombian police have found a World Cup sized replica at the Bogota airport which was made up of Cocaine. World...
UK Today News: BP Oil Spill Update: Giant Blimp Is Sent To Track The Oil Spill In The Gulf A Giant silver coloured blimp is set to provide aid, by tracking the gulf oil spill on Tuesday. The Airship which...
UK Today News: Dalai Lama Celebrates 75th Birthday Today - Dalai Lama To Be Gifted Portrait Done In Blood Dalai Lama will be celebrating his 75th birthday today in Dharamshala. A man named Mahesh Yadav from the city of Bhopal,...
UK Today News: State Of Emergency In Thailand Extended In 19 Provinces The Government of Thailand has extended the state of Emergency in its country, in a fear of renewed violence, to 19 provinces in Thailand which includes the capital...
UK Today News: National Weather Service - North-East American States May Witness Extreme Heat According to the National Weather Service today, they have reported that some of the north eastern states may witness heat of triple digit proportions and that...