Conchita Wurst wins 2014 Eurovision song contest


The grand finale of the 59th Eurovision song contest – held at the B&W Halls in Copenhagen – featured 26 countries competing, with Austria’s Conchita Wurst winning the competition with 290 points. The colorful event was filled with a number of weird performances and even weirder outfits.


The Netherlands and Sweden managed to grab the second and third spot, respectively. Europe’s annual music competition was won by Conchita Wurst, who became the star of the night. The singer from Austria managed to win the hearts of viewers all over the continent with her haunting ballad ‘Rise Like A Phoenix’. Conchita was the entry from Austria and won appreciation for her performance on the micro-blogging site Twitter and was even compared to Shirley Bassey for her Bond-like song.

The acceptance speech of the singer left some viewers with teary eyes. While accepting the Eurovision trophy, Wurst said, “This is for all those who believe in the future of peace and freedom – you know who you are. You are unity and your are unstoppable.”

Conchita has managed to top the iTunes chart in Austria with her winning song ‘Rise Like Phoenix’ and has also made it to the top 10 in Germany, Italy, France and Sweden. In 2012, the singer narrowly missed representing Austria in the Eurovision song contest, but was then selected by the Austrian broadcaster ORF.

Photo Credits: SMH