Danny Gokey Performs “My Best Days Are Ahead Of Me” On American Idol


On last night’s “American Idol” results show, we saw last year’s favorite Idol Danny Gokey perform his new single “My Best Days Are Ahead of Me,” from his new debut album, My Best Days.

The fans loved Gokey as they did last year and the “My Best Days Are Ahead of Me” track was apt for the contestants who want to make it big in American Idol.


Danny Gokey looked great with a leather jacket, jeans, and his famous specs. Hos voice was as awesome as ever and the new track focuses on the power of positive thinking – definitely something that the world needs right now.

In “My best days are ahead of me”, Gokey sang: “I can be whatever I want to be/ My best days are ahead of me….I’ve got sunsets to witness, dreams to dance with/ And beaches to walk on and lovers to kiss.”

The track “My best days are ahead of me” has apparently been inspired by country icon Randy Travis.

Dany Gokey is a church music director from Milwaukee, Wisconsin and was the third place finalist on American Idol’s Season 8.

All the best Danny Gokey, we look forward to Danny Gokey’s tour dates to see him live.