Ernie Harwell Dies at age of 92 After Losing His Battle With Cancer


UK Today News: Ernie Harwell Dies at age of 92 After Losing His Battle With Cancer

Ernie Harwell :Battling his cancer, Ernie Harwell died at the age of 92 on Tuesday night. But its for sure that his voice and sound will live in hearts and ears of many who liked him.
Ernie harwell

The shocking news came when The Red Wings were playing the San Jose Sharks; the people of the press in the arena were in shock and silence. But for the callous reporters the death news was just like another one for them. Ernie was guy who could make anyone his friend by just talking to him.

Like no one could have compared, he compared Griffey’s talent with Willie Mays and the next moment he will talk about playing cards with Jackie Robinson on the road trip with Brooklyn Dodgers.

He had announced in the 2002 February season that his announcement would be the last in the commentary box. It was in May 2009, when he had just discovered cancer, just two months after his retirement.

Harwell sounded and looked good, but he never had the fear of death, even though he was diagnosed with an incurable disease. His health recently was deteriorating from bad to worse and needed special round the clock care. But still he was always prepared for this day as he knew he could never avoid it. Its sad to lose a once in life time personality like Ernie Harwell.