TeloVac vaccine for pancreatic cancer tested in the UK


UK Today News: Pancreatic cancer has reportedly become one of the most deadliest cancers in the world. The survival rate of the patients with such type of cancers is the lowest right now, compared to the other types of cancers. In order to prevent this cancer, a trial version of a vaccine has been initiated in the UK.

The vaccine is called TeloVac and the trial is conducted on more than 1,000 patients suffering from advanced pancreatic cancer. Normally, it is found that vaccines provide protection from infections. But this vaccine is said to help boost the immune system of the body to fight against the cancer.

The patients are given the vaccines along with the chemotherapy treatment. The study group trial will be then be compared to the treatment in which chemotherapy alone is used. The vaccine contains telomerase and some small portions of protein.

According to professor John Neoptolemos from the Royal Liverpool University Hospital, the tumors are clever enough to even turn the immune cells to protect the tumor. The vaccines will help to turn off the guarding effect of the cells, Prof. John added. Pancreatic cancer has the minimum survival rates, which is a cause of concern. Not more than five patients in 100 survive the deadly cancer for five years.