The Hot Tub Time Machine Movie Review – A Confusing Film?


UK Today News: The Hot Tub Time Machine Movie Review – A Confusing Film?

The Hot Tub Time Machine movie has a cross story connection between “The Hangover” and “Back to the Future”, and contains all kinds of frat boy humor just leaving the viewers a little bit confused. Althoug there is some sort of amusement and humor in the film, it is still quite moderate, and it is not much of a laughter riot.


Now the “The Hot Tub Time Machine” filmmakers are not really exploiting the time travel subject and adventures to it’s potential, and it’s only later on in the movie that we see that even the humor starts to fade thanks to the bad script writing.

John Cussak, is the poster boy for the movie and has cashed in a lot for this movie. He is probably the only person to look out for in the movie.

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