Tony Nicklinson passes away after losing ‘right to die’ legal battle


Just six days after Tony Nicklinson lost the legal battle to be allowed to end his life with the help of a doctor, the 58 year old paralysed man passed away. His lawyers said that he has been refusing food since the verdict but contracted pneumonia and went downhill quickly.

The Wiltshire police said that they were not involved and that the death was caused due to natural reasons. Nicklinson died at his home on August 22, 2012. The law firm Bindman LLP said, “This is to notify you of the sad death of Tony Nicklinson at approximately 10am this morning”.

The law firm also asked for the privacy of the family to be respected. After the last week’s ruling, Nicklinson broke in to sobs which shook his paralysed body. the 58 year old and his wife said through a computer which he controlled with his eye movements, “I believe the legal team are prepared to go all the way, but it means yet another period of physical discomfort and mental anguish for me”.

A statement was at that time issued by Nicklinson through his lawyers which said that he is saddened that the law wants to condemn him to a life of increasing indignity and misery.