Toxic Sludge In Hungary – Environmentalists Say Friday Is Crucial For Danube River


UK Today News: Toxic Sludge In Hungary – Environmentalists Say Friday Is Crucial For Danube River

The toxic sludge in Hungary has entered a crucial day on Friday, say Environmentalists, as this is an important day to avoid sludge pollution in the Danube river . On Thursday, the red sludge reached the Danube river, and emergency workers have been pouring acid and clay to neutralize the alkaline element in the river.


Almost 3 million cubic meters of sludge has spread in west Hungary, because of the broken containment reservoir. Danube goes downstream to other countries like Croatia, Serbia and Romania, and they are making their own plans to tackle this situation. Its been five days now that the workers are pouring clay and other materials into the river to neutralize the alkali level.

Experts have been checking the ph level in the river on an hourly basis, for higher the level, it could get more destructive for the ecology of the river. As of now, the rains in Hungary are keeping the sludge wet and mushy, but experts fear during that the warmer days — with the sun up — it will surely dry the sludge and spread elements into the atmosphere in the form of dust; which can be very poisonous. There is also a fear of low level radioactive material on the land.