Young Britons are prone to skin cancer due to increased usage of sunbeds


UK Today News: As the scorching summer approaches, so does the trend to get the tanned look. People often forget that it is also essential to look after the heath of the skin. Due to this trend of using sun beds, people in the UK have become more prone to skin cancer. According to the Cancer research in the UK, every day more than two Britons are diagnosed with malignant melanoma.

Sara Hiom from the Cancer Institute has said that sunlight is indeed good for the body up to a certain extent. But too much of burning of the skin in the sun in sunbeds could be dangerous and eventually fatal in the long run. Sara suggested that one could easily avoid burning of the skin or skin cancer by recognizing how long your skin can stay safe in the sun.

It is essential for young women to be aware of symptoms of skin cancer. The symptoms include change in the shape or size of the moles or inflammation or bleeding of the moles. In addition to this, it is important for the young women to also know that women are more prone to skin cancer than men. Dermatologists in the British Association suggest that early diagnosis of skin cancer is very essential. Skin cancer is the only cancer that can be visible and thus can be diagnosed early.

Britons are advised to avoid moving out in the sun during the afternoon, and to use sunscreens of SPF 90 and higher. Also, walking in the sun with shades is not enough, use a sun umbrella. Avoid sun beds as much as possible, because the best look is the natural look.