Chris Brown unleashes new rap song at Diddy’s bash


Chris Brown (popularly known as ‘Breezy’), with girl friend Rihanna beside him, gave a taste of his new rap song to the crowd present at a party recently. The evening was put together for singer of‘Bad Boys For Life’ P.Daddy recently in Los Angeles. ’Miss Independent’ singer Ne-Yo was present as well.

Chris Brown and Rihanna

Brown has patched up with his girlfriend Rihanna, after the couple’s previous relationship took a turn for the worse, following claims of domestic violence against the ‘Umbrella’ singer.Brown said that he had to work hard to be forgiven by Rihanna, who has also moved on from the incident.

P. Diddys’s party was different from Elton John’s one, where the couple had a spat earlier. Breezy was caught on film performing a part of his new rap song, which he collaborated with a rapper from Compton  known as Problem.  A clip from the evening features a barely-dressed woman, who was seen hanging from the ceiling. The new tune would probably feature in Brown’s sixth album, which already includes the track ’Home’, which has a lot of swearing in it. It was released two weeks ago. The new song could have some potential as a club hit, going by the response it got at the party.