Missed the Second US Presidential Debate? Here are Some Key Take-aways


The second presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump was held on Monday, October 10th, 2016. The two debated over key issues such as energy, international relations, immigration, the fight against ISIS and tax policies.

In case you didn’t watch the debate, here are some of the key takeaways that we gathered. The second debate was moderated by Anderson Cooper.

“Hillary Clinton is a fighter. She doesn’t quit, she doesn’t give up.” – Donald Trump on the one thing he respect about Hillary Clinton

Both Parties Were Defensive

Both Trump and Clinton were defensive when asked key questions that may affect their respective presidential bids.

Regarding the 2005 video, Trump brushed it off as just locker room talk. He stated that he apologized to the American public and nobody has more respect for women than him.

On the e-mail controversy issue, Clinton defended herself by stating that there is no evidence that her personal account was hacked and classified material exposed

On ISIS and Islam

Both Clinton and Trump showed dedication to deal with ISIS.

Trump stated that he would knock-out ISIS and impose extreme vetting on Muslims. While Clinton gave a better answer and stated that she hoped to defeat ISIS with the help of Muslim nations. She also reiterated that America is not at war with Islam.

On Russia and Syria

Clinton categorically stated that she is not working with Russia to get her elected. On the issue of Syria, Clinton was more knowledgeable and said that she will stand up to Russia and Syria to be held liable for war crimes.

“I stood up to Putin, (I) will do so when I become President. (I) want Russia and Syria to be held accountable for war crimes.” – Hillary Clinton

Trump seemed to play it safe by stating that he doesn’t know Putin, but he would work closely with Russia to defeat ISIS. He had a rather biased view on the refugee crisis.

“We know nothing about their values and we know nothing about their love for country.”
“The greatest Trojan horse of all time.” – Donald Trump on Syrian Refugee Crisis

On Taxation Issues

Trump attacked Clinton by stating that she would raise taxes; he stated that he understands the tax code better than all presidential aspirants. In her defense, Clinton attacked Trump by saying that he only takes care of himself and those like him.

“(I) respect Donald Trump’s children. They’re incredibly able and devoted.” – Hillary Clinton Mocking Donald Trump in the Debate

This debate was different compared to the first one where Trump seemed unprepared. Polls suggest that Hillary won the debate but Trump was able to avoid annihilation. The third and last debate on October 20, 2016 is certainly a must watch!