Turbo Tax Free Edition And IRS Tax Extension Form 2010 For Filing Tax


UK Today News: Turbo Tax Free Edition And IRS Tax Extension Form 2010 For Filing Tax

Tax Day April 15, 2010 is finally here, and if you haven’t yet filed your income tax forms, then you may be interested in the the Turbo Tax Free Edition. This Turbo Tax Free Edition will help you to do your taxes online for free.

However, a point to be noted is that the TurboTax Free Edition is not enough if you have to file a schedule C as well, but it does however offer softwares to prepare those schedules.

Turbo tax

Incase you cannot file your tax returns for 2009, then fill up the IRS Extension form 2010.

The Tax Extension Form 2010 or IRS Form 4868 as it is officially known, will give taxpayers an additional time of 6 months to fill out their 2010 returns.