Avatar Movie Released (Movie Review)


The most talked about movie “Avatar” has finally released across the globe and has been getting it’s fair share of mixed reviews.

Although this James Cameron movie looks expensive thanks to the great effects and animation, it would probably look like an indicator of the wealth that Hollywood movie makers can actually shed out.

According to critics, this movie captures the facial expressions of actors as seen on a virtual camera system.


In this mega movie, Peter Jackson’s Oscar-winning Weta Digital visual-effects house are the guys behind Avatar’s eccentric visual effects.

The Avatar story revolves around a a paraplegic ex-marine war veteran who is sent against his wish to set up a human area on the far away planet of Pandora, Once on Pandora he ends up battling humankind alongside the planet’s indigenous Navi race. The Avatars have a Na-vi body and a human DNA and his attachment to Pandora is what makes the main plot of the movie.

The movie is praised for its effects but given a thumbs down for it’s cliche love story and dragging scenes.

Avatar released on Dec 18 2009 all over the world in both 2D and 3D formats.

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