Russell Brand talks about falling in love with Katy Perry and cosmic outcomes


UK Today News: Russell Brand talks about falling in love with Katy Perry and cosmic outcomes

Comedian and actor Russell Brand is happy discussing the cosmic consequences of him falling in love with his wife and singer Katy Perry. But Brand does not want to divulge into any details about his marriage that took place last month in the royal state of Rajasthan, India.

The 35 year-old said in an interview with British TV show Loose Women, “Eventually, I think you find a spiritual and emotional connection with someone, and I think it unifies you with everyone else. I think if you love one person, it makes you love everyone. That’s how I feel now.”

Brand wants to clear out the rumor and insists that he has certainly not gifted his new bride a tiger on their wedding day. He added, “You don’t give people tigers. That would be stupid and dangerous. The tiger won’t like it. The only place I want to see a tiger is on a packet of Frosties, nowhere else.”

The comedian says that the couple had a simple and normal wedding, and it wasn’t anything compared to the hype in the media. Guess we’ll only know how simple it is when the pics are out?