Westminster Abbey is the likely venue for the Royal Wedding


UK Today News: Westminster Abbey is the likely venue for the Royal Wedding

Westminster Abbey is the hot topic of discussion for speculators of the venue of the 2011 Royal wedding,  ever since Prince William announced his engagement to Kate Middleton earlier this week. The venue for the 2011 Royal wedding has yet to be decided, but Westminster Abbey reportedly tops the list after Kate paid a visit to the historic place.

Photo Credit: Reuters

Reports state that Westminster Abbey is rumored to be the likely venue of the wedding, after Kate was seen coming out of it with senior aides. The source from inside Westminster Abbey said that the bride-to-be, Kate is on the run for checking venues and this was one of the options.

The news was confirmed by the spokeswoman of the Prince’s office to People’s Magazine. She said, “Miss Middleton paid a private visit to Westminster Abbey to meet key staff there in order to consider it as an option. They will consult further with their families before making a final decision.”

After the engagement, William soon got back to his work as a Search and Rescue helicopter pilot. Though the decision has not yet been made final, chances are on the higher side as it is the same place where the funeral of Lady Diana had taken place.