Bernard Madoff’s son Mark Madoff found dead in New York apartment


UK Today News: Former American stock broker, Bernard Madoff’s son Mark Madoff was found dead in his apartment in New York on Saturday. Mark was found hanging in his apartment, according to the police.

“He was found hanged in his apartment. It was an apparent suicide,” New York City police spokesman Paul Browne said. 46 year old mark was found dead after two years of his father’s arrest.

Two year ago, Bernard was sentenced to a 150 year imprisonment, after he was accused and later confessed to running a Ponzi scheme, that fleeced investors out of millions. Bernard’s financial firm, ‘Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC’, was managed by his sons Mark and Andrew Madoff.

Mark and Andrew along, with other family members, were sued by a trustee appointed by the court, who was trying to recover money for defrauded investors. However, the family members said that all the allegations were baseless and that they knew nothing about the fraud.