Vodafone launches two child safety apps across Europe


UK Today News: Two new Android-based apps have been launched by telecom company Vodafone that will help and advice parents to control their children’s mobile usage. The Guardian app provides parents with the ability to block messages and calls to prevent cyber bullying.

The parents also have the option to get the messages transferred to a secure folder, so that it could be used as evidence while reporting incidents to the police or at schools. The app could also allow parents to restrict the number of outgoing calls to present numbers.

The parents can also preset the time when the calls cannot be made or received. Time limit can also be set on the usage of a specific app, or block access to a mobile web or even block the camera during specific times.

The app sends a text message to the parent’s phone in case the handset is used to make a emergency call. The app by Vodafone has been launched in Italy, Germany, Netherlands, UK, New Zealand, Spain and Egypt. Along with the Guardian, a digital Parenting app has also been launched which provides help for parents who want their children to be benefited with the smartphones and also protect them from the dangers.