Hope for Haiti Telethon Money Raised by Hollywood -Results


The starry Haiti Telethon event was undoubtedly a major success, with a very big amount being raised for the survivors of the Haiti earthquake.

Although some reports say that atleast $ 16 million was raised at the “Hope for Haiti” telethon in the US, the organizers have not officially announced the actual amount.


Besides the US show, there was also a very special edition of the show for the country of Canada, which was called ‘Canada for Haiti’s’ . The show raised over $9 million. While the show was Halfway through, the host George Stroumboulopoulos made an announcement that a caller had just donated $100,000 for the Haiti relief work.

According to reports, the $9 million raised at the “Canada for Haiti” event will be distributed to nine non-profit groups such as the Canadian Red Cross Society, Care Canada, Free the Children, Oxfam Canada, Oxfam Quebec, Plan Canada, Save the Children Canada, UNICEF Canada and World Vision Canada.

Hope for Haiti telethon saw stars like Justin Timberlake, Stevie Wonder, Rihanna, Wylef Jean and numerous other stars participate in hordes.