Miss Philippines Queenierich Rehman works hard at 2012 Miss World Pageant


UKTodayNews.com: Miss Philippines World 2012 Queenierich Rehman is all set to compete at the 2012 Miss World Pageant which will be held in China on August 18, 2012. After being shortlisted at the Talent and Top Model Competition, Rehman is all set to shine at the finals of the 62nd edition of the MissWorld pageant.

At the talent competition, Rehman showcased her rock-chic side and also displayed her majestic side in the Top Model Competition. She hopes to win the Miss World 2012 crown and is also preparing for two more pageants of Sports and Fitness and Beauty with a Purpose. In terms of music she like classic, ballad and hip-hop.

She describes herself as a quiet person who is aggressive with what she wants to achieve.