Former Actor Leif Garrett Arrested For Drug Possession in LA


Former teen singer and actor Leif Garrett was reportedly arrested on Monday by Los Angeles County Sheriff officers after he was caught in possession of a controlled substance at a Metrolink station in downtown LA.

Official reports have stated that Leif Garrett was caught at around 11 a.m. on Monday and then was taken to jail after that and finally released at around 1 p.m on Wednesday. He had to pay bail and has a court date of February 24.


Leif Garret apparebtly drew suspicions of officers patrolling the train station saw Garrett acting in a very suspicious manner and after frisking him they found the drugs.

Leif Garrett was a child star who began his career at the age of 5 and went on to star in a number of film and TV roles as well as hit singles. His troubles started in1979, when he crashed his car a few days before his 18th birthday, while drunk and this led to his best friend becoming a paraplegic.
Leif has been abusing drugs over the years.