Is the Catholic church losing credibility?


After the confession of the disgraced Scottish cardinal Keith O’ Brien, that his sexual conduct had fallen far below the expected standard, the Vatican is accused of being aware of the allegations quite a few months ago, which they preferred to keep secret.


Just a week after Keith O’ Brien stepped down as the Archbishop of St.Andrews and Edinburgh, revelations about his secret sex life came out in open. Till Sunday, Cardinal O’Brien was denying his alleged advances to four priests. Claims emerged recently that a fifth priest had directly sent a complaint to the Vatican about his sexual advances as early as last October.

The announcement by the Vatican that the most senior Roman Catholic cleric in Britain had submitted his resignation in November in anticipation of turning 75, prompted speculation in all corners about the timing of resignation.

The Vatican is accused of orchestrating a cover up over the disgraced cardinal for months, so as to spare the church the embarrassment. It has been also alleged that the main man behind the deal happens to be Cardinal Marc Ouellet of Canada, the head of Vatican’s congregation of Bishops. Cardinal Marc is also one of the front runners to be elected as the new Pope.

Vatican officials did not comment as to whether any disciplinary action would be taken against the guilty. Archbishop Philip Tartaglia has admitted that the scandal has proved to be a serious blow to the credibility and moral authority of the Catholic Church as well.