Large number of vulnerable people in UK denied care


Campaigners in England state that a serous situation is developing in the country and that a large number of elderly and vulnerable people are denied care. An analysis conducted by Age UK noticed that the proportion of people over the age of 65 getting help had decreased by a third since 2005 and 2006.

aged care uK

In 2013, about 900,000 people over the age of 65 received help, which meant just one in ten people in that group. This is the number compared to 15% seven years back. The review mentioned that at least 800,000 older people did not get vital help. This also refers to the council-funded help in the home including daily tasks like dressing, washing, eating.

The blame was put on the funding, which forced councils to decrease their budgets by 15% in the past three years to £6.6 billion. It is also noticed that just 13% of local authorities offer help to people who have moderate needs and this is compared to almost half in 2005 and 2006.

Caroline Abrahams, the Age UK charity director said, “The figures we have uncovered in this report are catastrophic.” Abrahams went on to say that people who need help, but are not receiving it, are at a massive risk and families who care for their loved ones are experiencing strain.

Photo Credits: Guardian