Halloween Costume Ideas from Celebrities

Halloween is closer than ever now and the search for the perfect Halloween costume is on the top of everyone’s list. The costumes, the trick or treating and the pumpkins make Halloween a much awaited day across the world.
When it comes to Halloween costumes, whilst a lot of people go for the more traditional costumes such as Dracula and Frankenstein, others tend to go for a different and creative styles of costumes like being a god or goddess, a flamboyant celebrity or just a new weird look – that should be appropriate for Halloween.
Here is what some celebrities are planning for Halloween – Paris Hilton has taken to her Twitter recently, and is letting all her followers know that she has just been shopping for a Halloween costume, which she said was from “Trashy Lingerie.”
Heidi Klum has some words of advice to help you choose your Halloween Costume for 2009:
If you’re into superheroes then you could try dressing up like Wonder Woman.
Heidi says, “I always like getting a wig that’s opposite of my hair color because it really throws people off. Great makeup and a major push-up bra work. Maybe even an extra push-up so you have the Wonder Woman curves!”
So, what are you waiting for – you got some tips from some top celebs, now it’s up to you to take it to those levels. You could also try these Halloween costumes:
Super Girl
Greek Goddess
Cat woman
Amy Winehouse!
The Hot Nurse

Halloween is closer than ever now and the search for the perfect Halloween costume is on the top of everyone’s list. The costumes, the trick or treating and the pumpkins make Halloween a much awaited day across the world for both the young and old.


When it comes to Halloween costumes, whilst a lot of people go for the more traditional costumes such as Dracula and Frankenstein, others tend to go for a different and creative styles of costumes like being a god or goddess, a flamboyant celebrity or just a new weird look – that should be appropriate for Halloween.

Here is what some celebrities are planning for Halloween – Paris Hilton has taken to her Twitter recently, and is letting all her followers know that she has just been shopping for a Halloween costume, which she said was from “Trashy Lingerie.”


Heidi Klum has some words of advice to help you choose your Halloween Costume for 2009:

If you’re into superheroes then you could try dressing up like Wonder Woman.

Heidi says, “I always like getting a wig that’s opposite of my hair color because it really throws people off. Great makeup and a major push-up bra work. Maybe even an extra push-up so you have the Wonder Woman curves!”

heidi_klum halloween

Heidi Klum

So, what are you waiting for – you got some tips from some top celebs, now it’s up to you to take it to those levels. You could also try these Halloween costumes:

Super Girl


Greek Goddess

Cat woman

The Hot Nurse

Amy Winehouse!

And don’t forget the  Jack-o’-lantern. Here is the trick on how to carve the pumpkin:

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