Google to warn users of upcoming storm in US


Search engine giant Google has always tried to increase the convenience of the users. Google has now introduced some new features for the users to inform them about some of the major storms around them. The US has now entered in to the hurricane season and it has been ten years since the Katrina storm took place.

storm warning

Google wants the users to be more prepared and careful and be warned much in advance so they can move to safer places before the storm strikes. The search engine is improving the Crisis Response efforts after the dreadful Katrina hit the US. Since then people at Google have been searching new ways to connect to people with useful information and resources related to storm.
New improvements have been launched in the weather forecasts and Public Alerts in Google Search to track the storms during this year’s hurricane season. If a person is looking for information about a particular storm, they will be able to see a map showing the location about the upcoming storm with its visualizations along with the wind severity and arrival time.
Google in recent times has been working on using its resources to help the internet users during storm or other natural disasters.

Photo Credits: southportvisiter