Twitter creates council for abuses and threats


Micro blogging site Twitter has joined hands with a number of specialist charities so as to create a global expert safety council. The council will work towards establishing a slate of anti-harassment features to help protect the users from online abuse and threats.

Twitter abuse

The panel has 40 organizations and experts from 13 regions from across the globe. The need for the council has come due to the years of criticism directed at the micro blogging site that it fails to provide adequate protection for the users who have experienced extreme abuse and threats.
Regulation of social media means a complex battle between freedom of expression and protecting the users from abusive comments. Twitter has assured that it will develop a council that will have a global and inclusive approach to collate the diversity of choices.
It is planning to do this by working with the safety advocates, community groups and academics to deal with abuse, bullying, harassment as well as mental health and suicide prevention. Nick Pickles, the UK head of Twitter said, “I don’t think we will have all the answers, but it is important to seek expertise in these still very young issues.” Pickles added that the company will remain hopeful that the council will give the users the confidence to speak out their mind.
Photo Credits: cbsnews