Campaigner appeals against use of single-use face masks

face masks

Wearing masks is now a new normal due to the coronavirus pandemic and is the need of the time. It helps to prevent the spread of the highly contagious virus. Health experts and the WHO has recommended that people while stepping outdoors and at public places should wear masks. People use masks which are disposable or reusable. Celebrity chef and presenter Hugh Fearnley-Whittngstall has appealed to the public against the use of the disposable face masks and has recommended to use the reusable or home-made masks instead.

The 55 year old has warned that the coronavirus pandemic could result in an increase in the amount if plastic waste and also discouraged people to use plastic gloves. The celebrity chef has launched the campaign War on Plastic along with Anita Rani in 2019 and has argued that buying fruits and vegetables that are wrapped in plastic are no safer. Although Hugh also pointed out that at present the current priority is to protect themselves and their family of the deadly and contagious virus.

Fearnley-Whittngstall has also argued that usage of single-use plastic in every day routine does not help in keeping us and our families safe. He has also said that there is no need of wearing plastic gloves and in fact they give a sense of false security to the person who is wearing it. They can be easily contaminated as the hands and the simple way to get rid of the germs and infection is by washing hands.

Huge has also pointed out that the single-use masks are actually made of plastic and contaminate the environment. The celebrity chef has appealed to use the reusable masks or the ones that are made at home. He has appealed people to re-evaluate their lifestyles and appeals people to get back to the old ways of doing things instead of creating more garbage and polluting the environment. Huge and Anita Rani have been campaigning since one year while spreading awareness about plastic waste.

Photo Credits: Pixabay