Regions Bank Online Banking System Back Up? – CD Rates Announced


UK Today News: Regions Bank Online Banking System Back Up? – CD Rates Announced

Regions Bank, which has its HQ in Birmingham, Alabama has announced the Regions certificates of deposit as well as their Relationship certificates of deposit.

Regions Online Banking system was unavailable for a few hours today and have told customers that they will need to bear with them till the system is up. This is the message that was posted:
“We are performing routine maintenance to our systems. – Online banking will be unavailable until 6:00 am CDT. ”

Regions Bank

Reports say that Regions certificates of deposit have revealed that the terms range from 7 days to 72 months.These relationship certificates have a minimum opening balance of $ 500 for longer than 90 days.

According to “The Relationship certificates of deposit have a minimum opening balance of $500 and you have to have a Regions checking account. The Relationship CD rates are higher than the Regions CD Rates. Their highest CD rate is on their 60 month to 72 month CD with the current CD rate at 2.76 percent and an annual percentage yield (APY) of 2.80 percent. The rate isn’t the best CD rate available but it’s still competitive.”

Here are the Regions CD Rates & APY

0-2 months 0.05% Rate 0.05% APY
3-5 months 0.05% Rate 0.05% APY
6-11 months 0.20% Rate 0.20% APY
12-17 months 0.79% Rate 0.79% APY
18-23 months 1.00% Rate 1.01% APY
24-29 months 1.04% Rate 1.05% APY
30-35 months 1.44% Rate 1.45% APY
36-47 months 1.83% Rate 1.85% APY
48-59 months 2.37% Rate 2.40% APY
60-72 months 2.51% Rate 2.54% APY

Go here to access Region’s Bank Online banking system