Mass Save Appliance Rebates To Have A second Round This Summer


UK Today News: Mass Save Appliance Rebates To Have A second Round This Summer

Massachusetts officials have announced that that they will hold a second round of Mass save appliance rebates this summer, after it took just two hours to claim $5.5 million in state-funded rebates for energy efficient appliances and left another $2 million in rebate requests.

mass save

Environmental Affairs Secretary Ian Bowles said on Friday that the state will also fund all of the remaining 12,700 rebate reservations that were on the waiting list as part of Thursday’s Earth Day Mass Save appliance rebates.

According to Business Week: “Those on the waiting list will be notified by e-mail or mail in about one week explaining how to claim their rebate. The deadlines for buying appliances and submitting paperwork have been extended by one week to aid those customers on the waiting list, officials said.”

The $5.5 million in rebates that took place on Thursday, will see the replacement of around 26,556 dishwashers, refrigerators, clothes washers and freezers.

Not sure what a rebate is all about? According to Wikipedia, “A rebate is an amount paid by way of reduction, return, or refund on what has already been paid or contributed. It is a type of sales promotion marketers use primarily as incentives or supplements to product sales. ”

The dates are yet to be announced fir the Summer program appliance rebates, so check back here for more updates.