Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 – Oil Leak Polluting the Sea at an Alarming Rate


UK Today News: Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 – Oil Leak Polluting the Sea at an Alarming Rate

The major oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico 2010 is the result of last week’s Deepwater Horizon oil explosion. The oil rig disaster has led to thousands of barrels of oil getting poured out into the Gulf of Mexico and polluting the water.

oil spill image

Sources say that the oil spill gas been caused by a ruptured oil head.

The oil spill is moving faster along the water and is also reportedly spread out in a huge area. To add to this, the oil slick is likely to damage the fish and fauna in the area.

Reports say that the oil spill will hamper the fishing industry in a big way in the area, and at the same time, damage the ecosystem.