Lindsay Lohan Begins Her 90 Days Jail Term For Probation Violation


UK Today News: Lindsay Lohan Begins Her 90 Days Jail Term For Probation Violation

Hollywood actress Lindsay Lohan finally begins her jail term for probation violation. Marsha Revel, the Superior Court Judge, had ordered this verdict against Lohan a few days ago.

lindsay lohan

Lindsay Lohan (file photo)

According to the Judge’s orders, Lohan would not be allowed to go out of jail on work release or house release programme, but Revel also informed that she has no idea that out of the 90 day jail term, how many days Lohan will exactly serve.

The reason behind this is that the power to set a prisoner free early, due to the over crowd in jail, is in the hands of the sheriff who runs the jail.

Los Angeles County Sheriff’s spokesman Steve Whitmore, says that there are chances that Lohan will be released within 13 – 15 days.

He said that if the prisoners’ behavior is nice throughout, then they have the chance to get out of jail after serving 25 per cent of their jail term.