China Oil Spill Starts Spreading Even More


UK Today News: China Oil Spill Starts Spreading Even More

China Oil Spill : The size of the oil Spill in China’s northeast coast has almost doubled today. Many workers gather to help reduce and clean the growing disaster to the environment.


Photo Credits – Jiang He/Greenpeace/Reuters

The oil spill in chine is reported to be around 165 square miles of water.
The china oil spill cannot be compared to the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico which is reported a surface slick of around 2,700 square miles.

The Chinese oil workers are really racing against time to contain the spill as much as possible. This disaster started in the port city of Dalian when an explosion took place in the oil pipeline.

News agencies report that the spill started on Friday, in the port city of Dalian as a result of an oi pipeline explosion. Crude oil spilled into the Yellow Sea, and later burned in a massive firestorm for almost 15 long hours. Dalian happens to be China’s second biggest oil import port.

The tourist beaches were shut immediately and around 40 oil skimming vessels, oil eating bacteria as well as 800 boats were rushed to help stop the Oil Spill.

We also hear reports regarding the BP Oil Spill that the CEO of BP – Tony Hayward is set to step down.