Stress Tests Show An Increase In Banking Shares Across Europe


UK Today News: Stress Tests Show An Increase In Banking Shares Across Europe

The shares of European Banks have risen on a moderate scale all across Europe, following the stress test event that was conducted last week. The Lloyds Bank, The Royal Bank of Scotland, and Barclays Bank all had a steady rise by 3%, and the French Societe Generale increased by 3.6%.

European Bank

In the stress test, 91 banks were tested, out of which seven failed the test including seven Spanish banks, one German Bank and a Green Bank. But now there is a wave of concern amidst the investors, whether too many banks have failed the test or not – since the European banking sector has already faced a lot of hammering this year.

Reports say that many stock broking agencies have stated that the stress test that was conducted has provided a level of confidence in the banking sector by for the investors.