BP’s Bottom Kill Procedure To Seal Gulf Of Mexico Oil Well Postponed To September


UK Today News: BP’s Bottom Kill Procedure To Seal Gulf Of Mexico Oil Well Postponed To September

BP’s attempt to seal the Gulf of Mexico oil well for good, has reportedly been postponed to September, according to US officials. The oil spill, the worst in US history, began on April 20th this year after the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded.

BP Oil Spill 2010
(AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

According to reports, the cause of the delay was the urgent need for BP to change important equipment prior to the start of the process of sealing the well with cement. Even though BP officials state that the oil flow has stopped, the procedure called “Bottom Kill” is still needed to completely seal the well. It was scheduled to take place in the middle of August.

Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen has not stated how long this procedure will take place or when it is slated to begin, but he did state that it is likely to begin on September 6.