US Drone Attacks In Pakistan Kill 6


UK Today News: US Drone Attacks In Pakistan Kill 6

A U.S drone attack in Pakistan, which took place on Saturday, has reportedly killed 6 militants. It is the third day of such attacks. NO supplies continued to remain blocked

The US officials in Washington have confirmed the news about the killings of important people in Pakistan which include the Taliban Head of Pakistan, Baitullah Mehsud, the drone is basically trying to protect the foreign troops in Afghanistan.

The drone attacks have become a matter of concern because of its sensitive issue as it is developing anti-American sentiments in the most conservative Muslim country. The Intelligence department officials said, “Two US drones fired four missiles and destroyed the house. Six militants were killed in this attack. All of them were militants attached to the Haqqani group.”

Another intelligence official told AFP that initial reports suggested the dead were Uzbek militants from Afghanistan.

The majority of the drone attacks have been in the Waziristan where Al-Qaeda and Taliban opposed the US led war in Afghanistan.