Brit casualties in Japan’s earthquake-tsunami disaster unknown


UK Today News: After the disastrous earthquake in Japan, the death toll of British citizens in the country is still unknown. There are about 17,000 British nationals in the earthquake hit area of Japan, in addition to the area where the massive tsunami washed away houses.

The foreign office has fielded more than 4,000 calls from friends and relatives of those who may be caught in the disaster. Some are also feared dead, after the deadly tsunami hit the north east coast of Japan on Friday.

So far no confirmed reports of British casualties have been reported. However, one British teacher named Brian Hickebottom managed to send an email to his family in the UK, telling that he and his family is safe.

Brian with his wife and daughter have taken shelter in a school, where he is employed. Brian’s family could not reach him since the disaster struck in Sendai, one of the worst hit areas. The teacher had managed to send the email from a friend’s phone which lacked battery and said that he would revert as soon as they get some connectivity.

The tsunami in Japan is considered to be the worst disaster ever since World War 2, and officials state that the death toll could very well cross 10,000.