Halloween Costume Ideas 2009

Halloween is a holiday which is celebrated on October 31 the world over. Some halloween activities include trick-or-treating, wearing costumes, ghost tours, bonfires, carving jack-o’-lanterns, playing pranks on people, watching horror movies and all that scary stuff.
With Halloween in just a month’s time, women seem to be already thinking of creative and wacky Halloween costumes to wear on that scary day.
According to reports, on an average, adults tend to splurge more money on Halloween costumes for themselves than for their children. The hot favorites being sexy Halloween costumes, along with those of TV celebrities, pirate and the infamous nurse costume.
A lot of costumes seem to be waiting to be worn this Halloween and incase you are contemplating what to wear; here is a list that can help you out!
Halloween Costumes for Women
Alice in Wonderland
Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader
Little Red Riding Hood
Monster Bride
Sailor Gal
Go-Go Girl
Cat Woman
Vampire Queen
Wicked Queen
Dorothy of Oz
Princess Laya
Miss America
Gothic Widow
Super Girl (think Megan Fox)

Halloween is a holiday which is celebrated on October 31 the world over. Some Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, wearing costumes, ghost tours, bonfires, carving jack-o’-lanterns, playing pranks on people, watching horror movies and all that scary stuff.

With Halloween in just a month’s time, women seem to be already thinking of creative and wacky Halloween costumes to wear on that scary day.


According to reports, on an average, adults tend to splurge more money on Halloween costumes for themselves than for their children. The hot favorites being sexy Halloween costumes, along with those of TV celebrities, pirate and the infamous nurse costume.

A lot of costumes seem to be waiting to be worn this Halloween and incase you are contemplating what to wear; here is a list that can help you out!

Halloween Costumes for Women

Alice in Wonderland

Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader

Monster Bride

Sailor Gal

Cat Woman

Vampire Queen

Dorothy of Oz

Super Girl (think Megan Fox)





Some Halloween costume pics:

halloween 3
nurse costume
playboy bunny costume

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