Panasonic Lumix Phone Unveiled In Japan – Specs, Price Not Revelaed


UK Today News: Panasonic Lumix Phone Unveiled In Japan – Specs, Price Not Revelaed

Panasonic has unveiled its first Lumix Phone, which will be taking forward it’s Lumix camera brand name into the cell phone market. The new phone was revealed on Tuesday in Japan.

(Photo: Panasonic)

The Lumix phone is an engineering marvel, as it features a 13.2 mega pixel camera in the rear, but it does not have any type of optical zoom. This particular phone was unveiled at Ceatec electronics show, near the Japanese capital of Tokyo.

For the moment, the company has only unveiled the phone, and has not disclosed any sort of specifications except for the massive camera. The phone is particularly built for the NTT Docomo Japan telecommunications, so it can be assumed that the phone is not likely to be be shipped overseas.

Reports state that the Lumix phone also features a 3.3 inch touch screen, and has the big camera in that back which is protected by a silver colored ring guard. Panasonic has stated that the picture quality of the phone is better than almost any camera phone present in the global market. It also comes with the Panasonic Venus Engine, which helps in enhancing the picture quality of a particular photograph. The remaining specifications of the phone will be disclosed later this month.