UFC Undisputed 2010 Demo Release


UK Today News: UFC Undisputed 2010 Demo Release

The UFC Undisputed 2010 is available for all gamers who register on the game’s community site. The full version UFC Undisputed 2010 will release on May 25 in the United States.

UFC Undisputed 2010

The UFC Undisputed 20 is a continuation sequel to last years game version. The game received an all around great reviews. The UFC Undisputed 2009 got a Metacritic score of 83.

The UFC Undisputed 2010 demo is available for PS3 and Xbox 360 consoles.

The undisputed publisher THQ has great competition from EA sports as they are set to release its own MMA. Undisputed sold very well in the year 2009.